Enhance Your Monetization with Google Ad Manager and Supertab 

Enhance Your Monetization with Google Ad Manager and Supertab 

Welcome to a seamless integration of content value and audience choice. Partnered with Google Ad Manager, Supertab introduces a transparent and user-oriented payment option for your content. Engage your audience with the freedom to choose – view an simple ad or conveniently start a tab with Supertab for frictionless access.

Cultivate New Revenue Streams

Dive into untapped revenue potential with Supertab. Ideal for engaging the 98% of your audience resistant to traditional subscriptions, Supertab elevates your monetization by offering a ‘pay-as-you-enjoy’ model. It’s an innovative approach that respects your readers’ preferences and boosts revenue, all while complementing your existing Google Ad Manager earnings.

Get started with Supertab in Offerwall (Open Beta)

Just contact your Google Ad Manager Sales Rep and let them know you want to participate. They’ll allowlist you for Open Beta. 

How it works

Easy setup

Get started in moments -Supertab is integrated into the Offerwall platform. Just create an account with us and turn on Supertab on the Google Offerwall. That’s it, you’re good to go!

Sell your content

Customize your offer based on your needs and empower your audience to pay their way. Whether they ‘put it on my tab’ and pay when their tab reaches $5 in total or pay immediately, you’re in control.

Get Paid

Revenue flows as your audience grows. We only make money when you do – no monthly or upfront costs, just a per-transaction fee. Payouts are made monthly via Google Ad Manager or Adsense

Get Started with Supertab (once allowlisted)

Just go back to the Google Offerwall page and enable Supertab. You’ll be asked to accept Terms & Conditions, then follow the link to create a Supertab account. 
It’s time to offer your audience the power of choice!

Learn More

Want more insights into micropayments, monetization and Supertab? We’ve got you covered! Check out our FAQ.

Stay in Touch

We’d love to answer any questions you have, or just to hear how your content monetization is going! Contact us at any time.