A transparent, user-first payment option is here. Google Ad Manager, in partnership with Supertab, gives your audience the freedom to choose—view a simple ad or start a tab for seamless access to your content.
How to ActivateActivate in Google Ad Manager and add Time Passes or Subscriptions to your website instantly.
From minutes to hours, or days to weeks, allow users to purchase a time pass to your site. All users receive a tab and pay when their tab reaches $5.
+ Transactional Revenue
The fastest, simplest way to put up a paywall in minutes. Allow users to pay now for monthly or annual access. Include and modify discounts as you see fit.
+ Recurring Revenue
Under GAM Privacy & Messaging, go to Monetization, select the Offerwall and click Set Up for Supertab.
Accept the terms of service and create a Supertab account (or link to your existing one).
Activate Supertab and start configuring the Offerwall.
1. In Google Ad Manager, go to the Privacy & Messaging section.
2. Select Offerwall from the list of Monetization options.
3. Click Set Up for the Supertab option under User Choices
4. Sign the publisher addendum to accept the terms of service.
5. Create a Supertab account (or link to your existing one).
6. Click Activate to turn on Supertab and start configuring the Offerwall.
Get to know the Google Offerwall and learn how it can help your business.
How the Offerwall with Supertab helps you unlock new revenue potential.
Get to know Supertab and learn how we make small payments possible.